Tuesday, November 20, 2012

30 posts in 30 days!

I haven't been blogging like I would like to since I got pregnant. First it was the sickness from 6 to 18 weeks, now it's just laziness and lack of anything very interesting to write about!!! I'm sorry and I really hope to have some interesting content for you over the next month.

One of the things on my 101 in 1001 list is to blog every day for 30 days, so I've decided to embark on that adventure to kick start my writing! I also figure leading up to the holidays is an excellent time. I should have more to talk about, like holiday baking, social events, and shopping! And we can't forget the decorating, which is scheduled to happen on December 1st :)

So get ready for my return!! I promise this includes responding to all of your sweet messages and reading/commenting on your blogs too!!!

Since I posted yesterday we'll call this day 2, ok?


Belly (Liz McLennan) said...

Great idea, Sarah. I am doing 30 in 30 too...it's hard some days, but it sharpens my writing and my observations of the world around me, because I'm always watching for "blog fodder."

Looking forward to reading your stuff!

K said...

I'm so excited to read your 30 posts in 30 days! The holidays are my favorite time of year and they're filled with so much excitement, so I'm sure you'll have lots of great things to write about!!

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